Thursday, October 7, 2010

EI skills for development. Part 1. Personal Leadership

All emotional skills can be divided in a 4 areas, which you can start to develop. I want to introduce all of them step by step.


In this area there are 4 emotional skills which are essential to the learning and development of positive and responsible leadership. Personal Leadership requires social skills, the ability to understand and respect the views of others, the ability to solve problems, and the ability to lead itself in positive ways.

So, here are this skiils: 

COMFORT: The ability to judge appropriate social, emotional, and physical distance and verbal and non-verbal interactions with others and to impact and influence others in positive ways. Interpersonal Comfort includes the ability to establish rapport and develop trust in relationships by using effective attending skills and being honest, self-assured, and open. Comfort enables a person to be confident, spontaneous, and relaxed with others in a variety of situations. Comfort is a key emotional skill essential for developing and maintaining positive interactions with others in social and/or leadership capacities.

EMPATHY: The ability to accurately understand and constructively respond to the expressed feelings, thoughts, behaviors, and needs of others. Accurate Empathy involves active listening in a patient, compassionate, and non-judgmental manner and communication back to the person the feelings of being heard, understood, and accepted as a person. Empathy enables a person to be viewed as caring, genuine, and trustworthy. Empathy is a key emotional skill essential for honest and effective communication in social and/or leadership capacities.

DECISION MAKING: The ability to plan, formulate, initiate, and implement effective problem solving procedures. Decision Making involves using problem solving and conflict resolution strategies in solving personal problems and using a skills approach in making decisions. Decision Making skills include knowing and using a systematic model or process for anticipating and approaching problems and decisions in daily life and work. Decision Making is a key emotional skill essential for formulating and seeing choices in problem situations and for involving others in the solution to problems and conflicts.

LEADERSHIP: The ability to positively impact, persuade, influence others, and in general make a positive difference. Leadership is a behavioral reflection of self-empowerment with developed abilities and skills in interpersonal and goal-directed areas of life. Leadership is a set of personal and goal directed behaviors and actions that create momentum, consensus, and support in working with others. Leadership is a key emotional skill essential for establishing and providing vision, momentum, and direction for others in ways that are valued and respected.

If you want to learn more about level of development of your skills in the area Personal Leadership, let me know - I will provide you with Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment.

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