Two next emotional skills are essential to self-worth, confidence, and personal competence. Intrapersonal development requires the full development of a strong, personal belief system and the effective management of the pressures and stress of life and work.
SELF ESTEEM: The ability, belief, and skill to view self as positive, competent, and successful in achieving personal goals. Self Esteem is reflected in genuine self-confidence, a high regard for self and others, and self worth. Positive Self Esteem is the foundation of achievement and a general sense of well being. Self Esteem includes the powerful personal belief system about self, personal competence, and value of self. Self Esteem is developed and maintained daily by experiencing success in effective dealing with self, others, and the demands of life and work. Self Esteem is a key emotional skill essential for learning about and developing self in all aspects of life.
STRESS MANAGEMENT: The ability and skill to choose and exercise healthy self-control and self-management in response to stressful events. Stress Management is reflected in the ability to control and manage stress and strong emotions in the many situations of daily life and work. Stress Management involves self-regulation of emotional intensity and the use of relaxation and cognitively derived coping strategies in difficult and high stress situations. Stress Management is a key emotional skill essential to health, performance, and satisfaction in life and work.
STRESS MANAGEMENT: The ability and skill to choose and exercise healthy self-control and self-management in response to stressful events. Stress Management is reflected in the ability to control and manage stress and strong emotions in the many situations of daily life and work. Stress Management involves self-regulation of emotional intensity and the use of relaxation and cognitively derived coping strategies in difficult and high stress situations. Stress Management is a key emotional skill essential to health, performance, and satisfaction in life and work.